As someone who travels almost constantly throughout the show season, I have learnt a thing or two about how to travel light, what you need and what you can leave behind.
Hopefully we'll all be looking forward to different types of adventures this summer. There are some really good general rules that you can use where ever you are going.
Here are some top tips and recommendations to help you on your way:
Start Early
Begin planning as early as you can. There is a lot in your wardrobe that you can use, but its good to know what you're missing and what has had its day and needs an upgrade. You'll need time to do this.
The 3:1 Ratio
For every one bottom, pack three tops that go with it. Trousers take up a lot of room, so mix and match the tops of a different look.
The 1-2-3 Rule
Take a t-shirt and a shirt. Worn together or separately, this gives you three options.
Whilst we all love a statement piece, plainer base layers can be dressed up with accessories, a scarf or jacket. This takes up less room and adds versatility.
It's the Small Things
They might be little items, but socks and undies can take up room. You should only need one per day plus one/two spare. Unless you're travelling for a long time, you don't really want to spend your holiday hand washing.
Three Steps to Good Footwear
One pair of daytime exploring shoes. Make sure that they are comfortable and fit for purpose. You're probably going to be wearing and walking in them all day.
One pair of resting shoes. That's the pair you can wear down the beach, to a restaurant, when you're not hiking. They're casual, comfortable and a change from the others.
One other, not always necessary, but you're on holiday, so treat yourself. (Make sure they work with your outfits and they are comfortable or your won't wear them).
...Wear the bulkier pair on the journey there if you can.
It's In The Bag
You'll need a lightweight daypack for carrying essentials.
If you want to use something different in the evening, choose a close fitting, zip up bag for your valuables.
Ablution Solution
You don't need more in your wash kit than you would normally use at home. Take note of what you use and start filling a small lightweight wash bag with these items. As I'm away a lot, I double up on basics like toothpaste and shower gel. One set for travel, one at home. They are all consumables, so would get used up anyway.
If you are going to decant shampoo into a smaller bottle, label it. Its no fun trying to moisturise your face with that stuff!
Don't forget to check airport regs on carrying liquids and metal objects like nail clippers onboard.
To reduce the risk of soaping up your luggage in transit, consider buying the basics when you get there.
Use It or Lose It

If you're trying to pack something that may or may not be useful, but you haven't used it for years, but its quite nice and I'd really like to wear it even though it doesn't really fit anymore and its not a colour I usually wear - don't!
Whether you are at home or away, if you don't feel good in something, ditch it. You don't need it.
...Someone else might want it, so consider selling/donating/recycling it and free yourself and the space in your suitcase.
Final Check List

There's a lot of really important items to remember, especially when travelling abroad, so write it down. Money, bank card, passport, tickets, house keys, driver's license, phone, socket adaptor, guide book, etc.
When you've got 5 minutes to go and you travel buddy is trying to rush you out of the house, you will forget something. So write it down beforehand and tick it all off before you close the door.
When you get there
So, if you do forget to bring something, don't worry, you can probably manage without it, just remember to have a great time, enjoy the company that you keep and the places that you go.
Its a well known saying "take nothing but memories, leave nothing but footprints"...now that's how to travel light!